Joe Regenstein, CPA, FPAC

What ChatGPT Thinks About Commissions

ChatGPT With the release of ChatGPT, the internet has been ablaze with articles about machines coming for our jobs and never being able to tell if something was AI-generated in an academic setting. I wanted to kick the tires and see what came back when prompting the bot to tell me how commissions can generate sales. After inputting the prompt “Write a 500 word essay on how commissions can generate sales,” the text began scrolling across the screen.

The output seems well-written and hits on items I believe to be important. Even though the prompt didn’t include the adverse effects of commissions, such as selling without integrity, the bot had a section as a counterbalance to the positive aspects.

The full response is below:

Commissions are a form of incentive or compensation given to individuals for their performance or contributions in generating sales. When implemented effectively, commissions can be a powerful tool for motivating salespeople and driving revenue growth. In this essay, I will explore how commissions can generate sales and discuss some of the key considerations when designing a commission structure.

One of the primary ways that commissions can generate sales is by aligning the incentives of salespeople with the goals of the organization. By tying a portion of a salesperson’s compensation to the amount of revenue they generate, companies can create a culture of competitiveness and drive individuals to perform at their best. When salespeople know that their compensation is directly tied to their performance, they are likely to work harder, close more deals, and be more innovative in their approach to selling.

Another way that commissions can generate sales is by creating a sense of urgency and motivation among customers. When a salesperson offers a discount or promotion in exchange for a quick sale, it creates a sense of scarcity and urgency that can encourage a customer to make a purchase. Commissions can also incentivize salespeople to be more attentive to customers and their needs, which can result in higher customer satisfaction and increased sales.

A well-designed commission structure can also help to improve the quality of leads that salespeople are pursuing. By offering higher commissions for more complex or high-value sales, companies can encourage salespeople to focus on opportunities that are more likely to result in a successful sale. Additionally, commissions can be structured to reward salespeople for bringing in new business or expanding existing accounts, which can help to grow a company’s customer base and revenue.

However, it’s important to note that commissions can also have negative effects if not implemented properly. For example, if commissions are structured in a way that encourages salespeople to focus solely on short-term gains or to engage in unethical behavior, it can damage the reputation of the organization and ultimately lead to lower sales in the long term.

When designing a commission structure, there are several key factors that should be taken into consideration. The first is the amount of the commission itself. The commission should be high enough to motivate salespeople, but not so high that it encourages unethical behavior or creates an unsustainable cost for the company.

The second factor is the structure of the commission. Commissions can be structured as a percentage of the total sale, a flat rate per sale, or a combination of the two. Additionally, companies can choose to offer tiered commissions, where the commission rate increases as the salesperson achieves higher levels of performance. It’s important to choose a commission structure that aligns with the goals of the company and the incentives of the sales team.

Finally, it’s important to communicate the commission structure clearly to the sales team and ensure that it is understood and accepted by all parties. This includes explaining how the commission will be calculated, when it will be paid out, and any relevant terms and conditions.

In conclusion, commissions can be a powerful tool for generating sales when implemented effectively. By aligning the incentives of salespeople with the goals of the organization, creating a sense of urgency and motivation among customers, and improving the quality of leads pursued, commissions can help to drive revenue growth and contribute to the success of the organization. However, it’s important to consider the potential negative effects of commissions and design a commission structure that is fair, sustainable, and aligned with the goals of the company.

ChatGPT. “Write a 500 word essay on how commissions can generate sales.” OpenAI, 18 Feb. 2023,

The obvious question is, what does this mean for students in an academic setting? A recently published article in Business Insider explained how two Professors caught students cheating on essays. OpenAI, the ChatGPT creator, also has an AI Text Classifier tool to predict if a piece of text is AI-generated. Running the previously generated response through the tool resulted in a “likely AI-generated” tag.

I ran the generated text through GLTR (Giant Language Test Room), a tool designed to detect automatically generated text. This tool checks how likely a word would appear next to the proceeding words. If the word is in the top 10 predicted words, it highlights it in green. Having a significant amount of words in green indicates that the text is highly likely to be AI-generated. 

A few charts were provided to help decipher the results. On the left is the probability graph from the submitted text, and on the right is some of the text I wrote for this article. You can see that the text we know to be AI-generated has a high probability, indicated by the + to the far right of the chart. The text I generated has a much lower probability.

I’m relieved to see it is possible to test if something is AI generated and hope this is enough of a deterrent to students submitting work. Instead, it could be used to generate ideas or outlines to help get a student started.

To close, I would like ChatGPT to write the conclusion to this post:

In conclusion, the experiment of using a bot to generate a response to the prompt “Write a 500 word essay on how commissions can generate sales” has yielded interesting insights. The bot’s output was well-written and covered important aspects, including the potential negative effects of commissions. However, the generated text was identified as likely AI-generated by tools such as OpenAI’s Text Classifier and GLTR. This raises concerns about the potential misuse of AI-generated text in academic settings, as seen in recent cases of student cheating. Fortunately, these tools provide a means to detect AI-generated text and act as a deterrent for students who may consider submitting work that is not their own. As AI technology continues to advance, it is crucial to remain vigilant and ensure that it is used ethically and responsibly.

ChatGPT. “Write a conclusion to this post” OpenAI, 18 Feb. 2023,

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